Frequently Asked Questions2024-07-17T09:49:00-04:00

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contribute to Fundación Atención Atención?2020-07-08T23:20:07-04:00

You can support us through donations, your time and experience as part of our volunteer program and by buying our products and services.

What population is served by Fundación Atención Atención?2020-07-08T23:15:39-04:00

The population served is based on the program.
The training workshops are offered for fathers, mothers, teachers and healthcare professionals who care for children with conditions such as autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, dysphagia, etc.
Jugar = Aprender serves fathers, mothers, caregivers, teachers and professionals who care for children under 6 years of age. It uses games and music as learning and socialization tools.
Finally, “La Hora de Juego” is designed for typical and atypical children between 4 and 10 years of age.

Do the services have a cost?2020-07-08T23:18:23-04:00

It depends on the service requested.
Some of our trainings are free.
The cost of “La Hora de Juego” is generally covered by a proposal or sponsor.

How can I benefit from the “La Hora de Juego” program?2020-07-08T23:27:13-04:00

The “La Hora de Juego” project means that every day for a month, one of our game coordinators will go “Play” with the children of your school and / or community for one hour each day.
Our philosophy:
We only go to a community or school where we are invited.
For the experience to be as successful as possible it is necessary that the entire community be committed to the project and support it, during our stay and after our departure.
When ready, a community or school can invite us through an official letter that must be sent to so that we can add them to our work plan.

If I want the Atención Atención Band or any of its characters to participate in an activity that I am organizing, should I process it through Fundación Atención Atención?2020-07-03T16:37:27-04:00


If you want the artist to participate in your activity, you must contact Atención Atención directly:

Contact with your donation request so that it can be evaluated.

Do I contribute to Fundación Atención Atención if I buy Atención Atención products or services?2020-07-08T11:40:07-04:00


They are two different organizations with different economic structures.

Fundación Atención Atención can offer its services to the community thanks to the support of various donors:

  • Proposals to various government agencies and private Foundations.
  • Companies that support us as part of their social responsibility programs.
  • The generosity of private donations.

We also have a catalog of workshops that can be purchased and offered to parents, teachers and health professionals in alliance with educational institutions or companies. These allow us to continue expanding our educational offer for adults.

We also organize fundraising activities open to the general public that help finance the operation of Fundación Atención Atención.

Are Atención Atención and Fundación Atención Atención the same?2020-07-08T11:44:35-04:00


Atención Atención is a corporation founded in 1999. It started as an educational musical project but that over the years has become the most important Hispanic children’s artist in the Caribbean and on the east coast of the United States. It includes the Atención Atención band, and celebrities such as Mr. Toad, Johnny the Lizard, Tito the Angel, Vera the Traveling Flea and the Tapita Fairy. It is also a television program that is seen in various countries and merchandising products.

For many years, Atención Atención received letters from fathers, mothers, educators and therapists about the value of their music and their programs in the education of their children or children in their care. They requested that they continue developing their work in the educational field.

This led to the birth of Fundación Atención Atención, a nonprofit organization, focused on education and developing creative experiences and educational tools that help each child reach their full potential.

The focus of both organizations is different, although both have children as the main focus of their work.

¿Did you know that traditional play has an important role in the mental health and emotional well-being of children?

Play promotes resilience, healthy socialization, and creativity.

That’s why, at Fundación Atención Atención, one of the cornerstones of our programs is play. Through our program, “La Hora de Juego,” we have reached children all over Puerto Rico who have had to endure difficult times in the past 6 years. From hurricanes, earthquakes, to social isolation, which has affected academic setbacks and their ability to develop fundamental life skills.

To continue with our mission and reach more children and communities, we have created the #JugarSana campaign, where we aim to educate the community about the essential role of play in the socioemotional development of children.

You can support us in our mission. With an investment of $25, you can cover the expenses for a child in La Hora de Juegofor an entire month.

For more information and to make your donation, click here.

Jugar sana

Make a contribution through PayPal with your credit card.


Deposit directly into our Banco Popular account


Make a donation via ATH Móvil. Search and select /FundAtencion