Foundation’s History

The Fundación Atención Atención (FAA) was founded in 2013 with the aim of providing preparation and innovative strategies, through workshops and/or resources, to parents, teachers, and health professionals who were responsible for children with different needs, helping them acquire skills and new tools to reach their full potential. Since then, we have offered hundreds of workshops, impacting more than 15,000 people. However, in 2017, after Hurricane Maria, the Foundation felt that it needed to step forward and expand its scope of action to work directly with typical and atypical children, leading to the development of the project “La Hora de Juego”.

This program, which visits each community for an entire month, implemented actions to prevent the potential negative effects that an event of this magnitude could have on children, and we once again verified its effectiveness during the earthquakes in the southern area. Play is an activity that allows processing difficult events, restoring stability, sharing socially, and strengthening resilience. Over the months, we realized that if we did not involve parents and teachers in this process, we could not give it continuity, so we created Play = Learn; A training that explains why play is fundamental for the comprehensive education of children and the reasons why all children should play with other children outside of technological devices. Lastly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on our daily lives, we created

Atención Atención Academy Workshop, an educational virtual platform that offers supplementary content in mathematics, literacy, science, English, and other disciplines to support the cognitive, motor, and social development of children between the ages of two and seven years old. Users will find lessons, exercises, games, and crafts that they can complete online or outside the virtual world, to which they have access at any time, for free and from any electronic device. Also, at the request of educators, we developed a simple program called The Magic of Reading and Playing to promote reading in children and to help them see it as a fun activity in addition to learning.

Note: The Foundation is duly registered with the Department of State of Puerto Rico and has the exemption certification from the Puerto Rico Department of Treasury under section 1101 of the Internal Revenue Code. Additionally, it is a 501(c)(3) entity (non-profit) of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States Treasury (IRS).

¿Did you know that traditional play has an important role in the mental health and emotional well-being of children?

Play promotes resilience, healthy socialization, and creativity.

That’s why, at Fundación Atención Atención, one of the cornerstones of our programs is play. Through our program, “La Hora de Juego,” we have reached children all over Puerto Rico who have had to endure difficult times in the past 6 years. From hurricanes, earthquakes, to social isolation, which has affected academic setbacks and their ability to develop fundamental life skills.

To continue with our mission and reach more children and communities, we have created the #JugarSana campaign, where we aim to educate the community about the essential role of play in the socioemotional development of children.

You can support us in our mission. With an investment of $25, you can cover the expenses for a child in La Hora de Juegofor an entire month.

For more information and to make your donation, click here.

Jugar sana

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