Message from the Executive Director
Our mission in Fundación Atención Atención is to make every child become the best version of the adult it can be. The first six years of life mark a fundamental period in the development of minors. During this time the boy and the girl acquire the basic psychomotor and cognitive skills that will be established for their entire life because, as the psychopedagogue Francesco Tonucci said, “All the most important lessons of life are made by playing”. It is also the time to work values, a fundamental element for the integral development of people.
But it is adults who are responsible for providing children with spaces and tools so that they can grow in an integral way, so at Fundación Atención Atención we not only serve children, but also provide learning experiences to adults responsible for their education and care so that, with that knowledge, they can carry out their work with excellence.
Piaget, Montessori, Sauri and many others indicate that we facilitate learning in childhood when we use music and play, as it improves performance in reading, language, mathematics and academic performance in general, further enhancing other areas of development of the human being Different learning and the way of accessing knowledge, as well as the cognitive, affective and psychomotor planes, can be favored if we start these learning processes at an early age.
Thank you for your interest in our work and we invite you to join our effort to rebuild Puerto Rico, one child at a time.
Paula Rivera Solanas
Executive director
Fundación Atención Atención

¿Did you know that traditional play has an important role in the mental health and emotional well-being of children?
Play promotes resilience, healthy socialization, and creativity.
That’s why, at Fundación Atención Atención, one of the cornerstones of our programs is play. Through our program, “La Hora de Juego,” we have reached children all over Puerto Rico who have had to endure difficult times in the past 6 years. From hurricanes, earthquakes, to social isolation, which has affected academic setbacks and their ability to develop fundamental life skills.
To continue with our mission and reach more children and communities, we have created the #JugarSana campaign, where we aim to educate the community about the essential role of play in the socioemotional development of children.
You can support us in our mission. With an investment of $25, you can cover the expenses for a child in La Hora de Juegofor an entire month.
For more information and to make your donation, click here.